Friday, 20 July 2012

Reprap for human size object...

I really want to be able to build object that can be use in real life, example like bicycle, toys car for my kid.... today the size of the printed object is limited to max of 300mmx300mmx300mm.  It far cry from a usable size of 1000mmx1000mmx1000mm. Even bigger like 5000mm version will be even nicer.

But to be able to build such printer will be challenging.  Also the cost will be high.

But there is people already building such machine...

It now seem really possible to be able to do this, the next question is, what about speed?  that why I now reviewing if we could upside Rostock to be able to print in 1meter range.  5X bigger then what it have now.

After watch the above video, I think it possible, the only concern how to make the platform solid? could I just double the size of the rod from 8mm to 16mm? what about stepper motor? can I go with NEMA 23? A lot of question un-answer.

Even that, can I get bigger size nylon wire? current the 3.5 version is too small?  Why nylon, because it strong and cheap.

The plan for the coming week is to see what is take to upsize Rostock... will keep you guy posted...

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Getting Pinguino IDE working on Macosx 10.7

Can't believe it so hard to get Pinguino working in MacOsx 10.7.  I have to really go through hoop to get this simple stuff working..

 Ok, To get this application working, you need todo few simple step:

  1. WX does not run in 64bit.  So, you need to start Pinguino in 32bit mode, running this command to start Pinguino instead of the normal python command: arch -i386 python2.7
  2. pySVN is not able to compile in 32bit model, meaning I don't know how and I have try finding it... but could not find a solution for it... so, remove the checking in wxgui/, just search for svn and remove all the line in that section that related to SVN checkin in the line.
  3. also the cp command does not like space, you need to move the whole IDE directory like this so that you don't have compilation error: mv pinguinoX.3\ MAC\ OSX\ rev459 pinguinoX.3
   Once you did all the step, you are now able to use the IDE on Mac...

Monday, 13 February 2012

This is the day that I sleep at 8.30pm and wake up and 12am. And found myself to be hungry for food and money.  And seem like the most easy way is to blog... blogging seem to make money, and would like to see if it's that simple..

It about 1am, and I'm still awake.... what is the odd of this?

First thing most ppl do when wake up at late night is to look for food, unlike the "old day" we need to hurt for it, but today we have it easy, just open the cabinet and there food.  Anyway, here is the noodle I cooking, it really nice, it not the typical ramen type, but more traditional chinese rice noodle, it have difference texture compare to the ramen you have.

Not your normal ramen noodle. It rice noodle, if you have not try it, you should.
Human are amazing, they alway come up with new way of making food accessible. even at late night, I could technically go down my apartment and get food, we have indian food that open for 24 hours. Time have really change, by the way rice noodle are nice, it really have difference texture and teste, don't believe me, look at picture and u will know it really good.

Arr... nice, it hot and it rice... what else u want?

It's now 1.26am.....

Anyway, this is my first blog, will start to add more stuff when time allow, also I would like to see how blogging can make money... 

And it all started from this page making money online. check it out when you have time...

Bye and good nite...