Wednesday 18 July 2012

Getting Pinguino IDE working on Macosx 10.7

Can't believe it so hard to get Pinguino working in MacOsx 10.7.  I have to really go through hoop to get this simple stuff working..

 Ok, To get this application working, you need todo few simple step:

  1. WX does not run in 64bit.  So, you need to start Pinguino in 32bit mode, running this command to start Pinguino instead of the normal python command: arch -i386 python2.7
  2. pySVN is not able to compile in 32bit model, meaning I don't know how and I have try finding it... but could not find a solution for it... so, remove the checking in wxgui/, just search for svn and remove all the line in that section that related to SVN checkin in the line.
  3. also the cp command does not like space, you need to move the whole IDE directory like this so that you don't have compilation error: mv pinguinoX.3\ MAC\ OSX\ rev459 pinguinoX.3
   Once you did all the step, you are now able to use the IDE on Mac...

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