Thursday 13 February 2014

What is this 3D slicer program? - Part 1

3D printer firmware is software that control the hardware to create the print, and it mainly GCODE interpreter.   You generate the GCODE by using Slicer program.  Slicer convert 3D object into instruction or GCODE on how to create the object using you printer hardware.

Most common use slicer is:
I never able to get Skeinforge to work on my Mac System, so I'm not the right person to discuss about  it.  When I got started 2010, the only slicer is that are free and commonly use is Slic3r. At that time, I also able to compile Cura for viewing, never really try to use it for production work.  I start to play with KISSlicer when I got started to build delta printer.  Kossel provided KISSlicer configuration file, it make setup much simpler.

Unfortunately it will be a long discussion, and I just finish capture the screenshot, may not be able to finish the post today.  Tomorrow will talk about Slic3r setup and configuration.

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